Wednesday 23 November 2016

“You are Nature “

     There it stands, a pot with legs?  Okay, so it does seem weird.  But I assure you it’s not what it seems.  In 1873, a young aboriginal  man loved the saying, "Humans are a part of nature too",and in exactly that year  the man died.  He had a son.  He was also growing around the same saying.  His son missed his dad so much he decided to make his favorite saying into a sculpture.  There it stood in the middle of England in Saint James Park “Humans are apart or nature too” I miss you!


  1. I would put a comma between, There it stands _____ a pot with legs?

  2. When you wrote, But I usher you it's not what it seems, the words not 'usher' it's 'assure'. In 1873, there should be a comma after 1873. And in exactly that year in 1873 the man died. I don't think you need the part in 1873. So it should be and in exactly that year, the man died.
    But good story!

  3. You forgot 2 commas. 1st is right after- In 1873 a young aboriginal man loved the saying___- The 2nd one is after " Humans are a part of nature too_____"
