Wednesday, 26 October 2016


The object

             I was in the middle of a movie when suddenly I heard a loud THUMP.  I jumped, then I rushed downstairs.  I was home alone, so I was very gingerly about every little thing that was going on.  I went towards my backyard's sliding door to find my dog,  Max,  crushed up against the glass.  Everything seemed fine, but something made me glance back.  Something bright, yellow and shiny.   I opened the door and my dog rushed in my house,  however, I was more focused on the object.  It seemed awesome.  I then discovered…   It was a wrapper?   That wasn’t so remarkable after all.


  1. When you wrote, So I very gingerly about every little thing that was going on.It doesn't make a lot of sense,what did you gingerly do? You probably left out some words out of the sentence. For example: So I very gingerly studied every little thing that was going on. Or something along the lines of that.
    But you have a really great story all in all!

    1. Yeah, I agree but the problem is I have a limited amount of words

  2. on 'I went towards my backyards sliding door' there should be a apostrophe between d and s on backyard's
